KDU Directory

David Beemer

Email : [email protected]
Phone: (734) 645-9443

1971 Brown grad (psych major/wrestler)

UMich SPH grad (hospital & health svcs admin)

KDU as a soph (2nd floor single across hall from Bob Young/soccer and next to Roger Bollentin/lacrosse)

Since leaving the corporate world (Shearson partner/managing director municipal health care finance department/strategic planning and operating committees) favorite NON-health-care-related domestic and international finance projects have included a riverboat casino and a tire farm in our Deep South, an oil refinery in Central America, a tubular steel manufacturing facility in the Caribbean, a nutraceutical company headquartered in Michigan, an import/export company in Portugal and a startup diamond/gold/other precious & semi-precious materials mining/manufacturing concern in Namibia. Final health care industry involvement was in response to Ira Magaziner’s invitation to participate in his efforts as chair to “save” Clinton’s ill-conceived/ill-fated national task force. Currently, I enjoy semi-retirement developing seven bucolic acres above Ann Arbor raising all-natural/organic animal and plant produce including cannabis. Re: weed — having completed formal Emerald Triangle training in Humboldt County, I am Michigan’s first professionally certified Ganjier and happily/confidently offer my exquisitely sun-grown (from seeds) marijuana products to family and friends. Personally, having failed at marriage twice, I am very fortunate and have been extremely thankful for the past decade to share a close relationship with Susan, at least equal in ALL ways (superior in those most important).  Independence — separate residences, in particular — is sine qua non. The pic of me at the helm of my Mull designed Freedom 30/32 cat-rigged sloop foretells plans to spend most of my remaining days living aboard while dividing Great Lakes sailing April-November with Florida/West Indies rest of each year.  But first, I must extricate myself from the +300 dog owners that have entrusted me to board their canine family members (at various times and never more than 17 over any one night)here for the past nine years.

Though I was only able to “swing” one year of actual KDU residency and never was able to afford a Ratty meal contract, my memories are all good and I look forward to “catching up” with everyone!  All best, regardless!